Image Metadata
What does image metadata contain?
The metadata or EXIF data information stored within digital images contains information such as size, resolution, creation date/time and type. In addition, Casamento Photography metadata always includes contact information, copyright status and the photographer's name.
What are usage rights and moral rights?
When engaging a photographer, there’s usually a formal agreement on how the images can be used. Image usage rights may be subject to certain conditions and copyright restrictions. Aside from copyright there are three types of moral rights:
The right of a photographer to be credited or attributed as the author of their work;
The right of a photographer to prevent others being named as the author of their work; and
The right of a photographer to ensure that their work is not subjected to derogatory treatment.
What is the user’s responsibility?
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that:
● published images are not being used outside of the agreed Usage Terms as agreed between the photographer and user;
● published images are not breaching copyright laws; and
● published images are not breaching the moral rights of the photographer.
How can I find the metadata in an image?
Most professional photographers include metadata in their images to enable the images to be connected to them. If the user is attributing an image but is uncertain as to who created the photo or artwork, there are three ways to check the metadata to find out:
Windows OS
● Locate the image using Windows Explorer
● Right-click on the image and select 'Properties'
● Click on 'Details' tab to view metadata
Mac OS
● Locate the image using Finder
● Right-click on the image and select 'Open With Preview'
● Select 'Tools' menu then 'Show Inspector'
● Click on 'i' tab (More Info) then click on 'IPTC' and 'Exif' tabs to view metadata
Adobe Photoshop
● Open image in Photoshop
● Select 'File' menu then 'File Info'
● Click on 'Basic' or 'IPTC' tabs to view metadata
What if I can’t find any metadata?
If someone alters and saves another version of an image, the metadata may not be visible. Many social media websites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Flikr etc.) strip metadata from images once uploaded. This means that important information about the photo (such as copyright and the photographer’s contact details), are stripped out. This renders it very difficult, if not impossible, to identify the photographer and know whether a photo is subject to copyright or not.
Copyright information
© Casamento Photography. All content on this website is protected by Copyright law.
You may only reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, with the written permission of Casamento Photography.
The Australian Copyright Act allows certain uses of content from the internet without the copyright owner’s permission. This includes uses by educational institutions and by Commonwealth and State governments, provided fair compensation is paid. For more information, see and
The owners of copyright in the content on this website may receive compensation for the use of their content by educational institutions and governments, including from licensing schemes managed by Copyright Agency.
Please check before re-using any content from this website and contact us if you have any queries.
You can read our full terms and conditions here.